Contributor: Connor McMannis
The present world is going through a crisis. Be it the economic losses or the personal losses due to the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic started two years ago and is still raging globally. Many countries suffered multiple waves. Countries like the United States of America, Mexico, and many more took massive destruction. A study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that there were more than 5,00,000 deaths in the United States of America. There were vast losses in terms of economy, as the pandemic caused job losses across all sectors.
The struggle to keep sanity has not been more difficult. The famous alternative is chemical-based products. There is always a risk of the chemicals affecting the consumer and causing severe side effects. The health risk has led many consumers to turn to organic products. The marijuana market offers many effective alternatives. A study by Statista shows that the marijuana market in the United States of America was worth more than 17,000 million US dollars in 2020 alone. Specialists claim that the market size will double in the coming five years. The consumer base comprises growing adults and senior citizens as well.
In the modern world, it is critical to observe the effects of the product on the environment. Scientists call it the carbon footprint, which calculates the emission of greenhouses by a product. It includes the various stages in the lifecycle of the commodity, including manufacturing, processing, packaging, and transportation. Weed Delivery is a famous alternative to order weed for many consumers in the United States of America. The popularity makes it critical to calculating the effect it has on the environment. In this article, we will discuss the potential of weed being eco-friendly. We will also look into the probable risks it can cause to the surroundings.
Weed is organic and originates from a tree, which is a part of the cannabis family. The process of extraction is artificial and requires expensive instruments. The ancient humans made use of weed for recreational purposes. Modern society uses it for medicinal and recreational purposes as well. Weed products are versatile. They are available in the form of tablets, wax, gummies, and many more products. They have CBD, CBN, Delta, Kratom, and many more. Many products aim to mix different extracts for new combinations.
The common ingredient of weed-based products is Tetrahydrocannabinol. The THC ingredients in the products induce a state of trance in the consumer. The content of THC in the Weed-based products can be less than 0.3% and more than it. If the content of THC is less than 0.35, it has approval by the FDA. The Food and Drugs Association in the United States of America controls the quality of food products in the country. The weed extract is also edible for your homemade recipes. It mixes with coffee, pancakes, salads, and many more. The ingredients mix with the weed extracts perfectly. Including weed in your daily lifestyle can improve it by many folds.
It is essential to observe the effects weed has on the sustainability of the environment. We will take a look at the positive actions weed has on the environment-
Weed cultivation requires fewer resources compared to other crops. Weed plantation requires less water than the other alternatives in the market for the farmers. The consumption of fewer resources contributes to the sustainability of the environment. The fewer resources the plantation consumes, the more sustainable the patch of land becomes. We all know of the underground water crisis in metropolitan cities, and weed might be our savior. The cultivation requires less skilled labor, saving capital of economic nature.
It is critical to ensure that farmers practice crop rotation on the patch of their land. After the successful cultivation of typical crops, the land is devoid of nutrients. They play an essential role in the growth of plants. Cultivating weed after the usual crops can give your land the time to replenish the nutrients. The plant of weed requires minimal nutrients from the patch of the land, having a positive effect on the surroundings. It gives the soil enough time to replenish the nutrients.
Weed plantation requires a large area of land. The key is to produce more in a smaller period. The weed plantation in the cultivable land controls the temperature around the surroundings. It raises the temperature of the surrounding area, playing an essential role in the sustainability of the environment. In a colder area, the increase in temperature can be a boon to the living beings nearby. Large greenhouses of weed plantations stabilize the temperature around the land.
Consuming weed in closed places can lead to air pollution. It can cause uneasiness if the space is tightly packed. Weed plantations in large areas can help in controlling air pollution. The cannabis plant purifies the air around us and increases the quality of the surrounding air. The leaves of the Cannabis plant are small and have fine mesh, which purifies the air slowly.
We have discussed the positive effects on the environment, and now we have to discuss the other side of the coin. Weed can pose the following risks to the environment-
The popularity of the weed makes it a high-profit product. It makes many plant more weed crops and not rotate them. Farming the same crop, again and again, can drain the particular nutrients of the soil. It can harm the land of the plantation and risk the surroundings. The fumes during the cultivation can cause damage to the animals around the area.
Weed is emerging as a great choice within the consumer base. More and more studies are in progress to study the medicinal effects of weed on the consumer. Most states in the United States of America have legalized the production and distribution of weed. It also applies to the products based on weed and similar extracts. As more awareness spreads, the market will only expand in the coming years. The rising competition will make the weed products more accessible to the consumers. It will also ensure quality standards, which place the consumer first on the priority list.
Many new celebrities have shown the intent to venture into the market of weed and its related products. They are actively trying to use weed in other industries as well. There are already many firms that use weed in the beverage industry. Weed in your daily coffee or tea is also emerging as a popular choice within the consumer base. With more awareness, we can make the plantation and cultivation of weed more eco-friendly shortly.