Tips for Keeping Your Weed Stash Away from Pets and Kids

Contributor: Brittany Iverson

We all like to take our time choosing the best possible weed products we can. Whether you search for recreational or medical marijuana online or visit a dispensary near where you live or work, it’s vital to buy quality goods that are appropriately tested and sold at a reasonable price. You can head to a page like to compare retailers in Massachusetts, for instance, and find the best outlets and products for your needs.

However, the amount of care you take sourcing your weed should also be invested into keeping it safe once you get it home. If you have pets or children in the house, take steps to keep them away from the cannabis to protect not just your stash but their health, too. Both kids and pets can become very sick if they ingest marijuana. In particular, keep edibles away from them since these can have more of an appealing look, feel, taste, and smell that draws pets and little kids in.

It helps to know some tips for keeping your marijuana safe from prying eyes, hands, and mouths. Here are some ideas to consider today, along with some steps to take if a loved one does happen to consume something they shouldn’t. 

Tips for Keeping Marijuana Away from Pets and Kids

Keep Weed Up High

The first thing you can do to protect your stash and those you care about is to put your weed up high, where kids and pets can’t reach it. Pop it on the top shelf of a cupboard or on some high shelves that can’t be easily climbed to. Don’t make the product noticeable, either, as you don’t want to encourage children, in particular, to climb up and investigate. It’s best to place the goods in a plain, boring-looking container rather than something bright and eye-catching that will get the attention of those whom you don’t want looking at it. 

Use a Locked Box or Safe

Your cannabis will be even more out of reach, though, if you store it in a locked box or a safe. It pays to put the product in a fireproof box, like the type you can buy for storing important documents. Just make sure you remember the combination to the padlock or safe, etc., so you can access your weed when you want to! 

Disguise the Smell

It’s also wise to try to mask the smell of your marijuana products so they don’t attract pets, in particular, who have a keen sense of smell and may go looking for the earthy-scented items they pick up on. An empty coffee can, for instance, can work well. 

Don’t Give Kids or Pets Exposure to Weed

If your children and pets never see you using or handling your weed, they’re much less likely to be interested in it. As such, try to keep all your marijuana time to periods when your loved ones aren’t about and can’t get any ideas or curiosity about it. 

What to Do If Pets or Kids Do Consume Some of Your Weed

Unfortunately, no matter how vigilant you are, one of your children or pets could get into your stash and get unwell from consuming some or all of it. If that happens, you need to know what to do. 

Understand the Symptoms to Look Out For

Keep an eye out for common signs of poisoning. For example, pets could present with dilated pupils, drooling, balance disturbances, or uncoordinated movement. They might seem disoriented or hyperactive, be vocalizing more than usual, dribbling wee, or appear hotter or colder than usual. Watch out for changes to heart rate rhythms, tremors, seizures, coma, etc., too. 

As for children, take note if you see them experiencing overdose symptoms like panic attacks, anxiety, paranoia, dizziness, or an intoxicated manner. They could get dizzy, have altered perception, or start experiencing heart problems, too. Both pets and kids could also seem extremely sleepy and start breathing fast or vomiting. In either case, a quick diagnosis may save your pet or child’s life or at least stop them from getting as severely ill.

Take Action

If you’re worried a pet or child has ingested cannabis, get them to the vet, hospital, or doctor ASAP. Alternatively, call poison control for advice and assistance. Don’t delay or only provide half-truths because you’re worried about getting in trouble or frowned upon, etc. The sooner a specialist examines your loved one and understands what has happened, the sooner they can get treatment started if needed. 

Stay with the affected pet or child until professional help arrives, or you get them to a professional and monitor whether they seem to be deteriorating or not. Try to determine how much weed has been consumed so you can communicate this to the medical specialist, too. 

As an adult and a parent or carer to a pet or child, it’s vital to take the steps required to ensure they don’t interact with or consume cannabis and to take appropriate action if they do. Following the tips above will help you mitigate the risks of severe illness or even death by toxicity. 

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